Thinking About Beaches and Bathing Suits?

We all want to look our very best on the beach, date night or the dream cruise you booked last Christmas. But, looking and feeling fit takes a lot of work! There are ways to jump start the progress with Reve Body Sculpting. Our program combines immediate results with long-term success, informed with knowledge and […]
Three Things That Are Making You Fat

Finding the right health plan can be overwhelming at best and completely discouraging at worst. Your SHAPE magazine tells you one thing while the doctor on TV tells you something completely contradictory. How can you find the right path to a healthy, balanced life? Rêve Founder and Nutrition Specialist Dr. Shannyn Pearce, D.C. shares the […]
Eight Ways to Keep Your Hormone Levels Balanced

If you are struggling with weight loss, it may be your hormones. Hormone imbalance can affect men and women alike, and it impacts more than just your mood. There are three hormones that play a key role in regulating hunger and weight gain: leptin, ghrelin, and insulin. An imbalance of these three key hormones may […]
Five Most Common Toxic Foods

There are so many healthy foods out there that it has become impossible to understand what is actually good for your body. Rêve Founder and Nutrition Specialist Dr. Shannyn Pearce, D.C. highlights the top five foods and ingredients you should avoid. The items on this list may surprise you given that many are so-called healthy […]
Dr. Shannyn Pearce, D.C. Answers Your Most Pressing Questions about Nutrition

Dr. Shannyn Pearce, D.C., Rêve Founder and Managing Partner, sat down with Lexington Health 24/7 Magazine to answer readers most pressing questions about health and nutrition. The more we learn about health and nutrition and what makes our bodies tick, the more equipped we are for success when it comes to achieving our health goals, […]
30 Days to a New You!

Rêve Founder and Managing Partner, Dr. Shannyn Pearce, D.C. recently shared with Health 24/7 Magazine the best approach to create a simple plan to make your New Year’s Resolutions stick. Most New Year’s Resolutions barely make it past January 4th and most of the time it’s because you don’t have a plan to keep motivated. […]